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Journal Article
; ; ; et al
Polarization Analysis with 3He Spin Filters for Separating Coherent from Incoherent Scattering in Soft Matter Studies
Physics procedia 42, 154-162 () [10.1016/j.phpro.2013.03.190]
In soft matter small angle neutron scattering (SANS) studies at large Q values, incoherent scattering becomes the dominant signal. In the Q-range of interest to this work, from 0.2 Å−1 to about 1.0 Å−1, the coherent scattering from the typical protein or polymer in a D2O buffer solution inevitably drops one to two orders of magnitude or more below the total scattering. [...]
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Journal Article
; ; ; et al
Effects of Biological Molecules on Calcium Mineral Formation Associated with Wastewater Desalination as Assessed using Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
Langmuir 29, 7607-7617 () [10.1021/la4001889]
Calcium phosphate scale formation on reverse osmosis (RO) membranes is one of the main limitations on cost-effective desalination of domestic wastewater worldwide. It has been shown that organic agents affect mineralization. [...]
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